Monday, August 29, 2011


We want to serve Italian food on the go that can give a quality experience and gain returning customers, as well help influence them to tell others about us. We plan to achieve this through providing a guarantee of your order being ready in ten minutes of less from the time your order. We also want to utilize the growing avenues of social media to help get the word out about the truck and get people lined up as soon as it arrives at a specific location.

While some items would be cooked before the truck set out on its daily run, much of the food preparation would be done inside the truck. There would be three people inside, all ready to take an order and do the cooking to keep things flowing. Keeping on top of things in there is essential to good customer service.

The big key to this getting off the ground is Facebook event pages. A Facebook page would be set up for this truck, and event pages would be set up subsequently with each stop the truck would make and at which time. It helps give people advance notice. I cannot stress how vital this will be to our success and organizing people to come out to the truck when they are in the neighborhood.

With this, we also want to establish a one-on-one relationship with our customers, and make them feel a part of the process. With our online services, they are encouraged to complain all they want, compliment our food, and make whatever suggestions they wish as long as it’s constructive and it helps improve their experience.

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